
Advanced technologies are adopted in refurbishing existing systems and for creation of new infrastructure. Class technologies suiting the requirements are adopted within the environment.

Quality Standards

Key is quality standards of appropriate levels keeping in mind scope for upgradation as standards evolve.

Ecologically Sustainable

Answers which flow from the technological front should be robust to the specifically designed solutions in harsh conditions or worse case scenarios.

Ease of Maintenance

Desired deliverables should be easy to maintain.


Challenges of collecting all the resources to a single point is becoming very difficult.

Life Cycle Costs

Comparisons are made of Capex, Replacement costs, Operating expenditure like energy, labor & monitoring infrastructure and then a decision is taken as to what technology to adopt, subject to space being available for the foot print.

Stake holder interest and participation

As the benefit is for the stake holders, they are involved from the inception before the design scheme is proposed for implementation.