Developing innovative technological systems that challenges existing paradigm of conventional systems.

Evaluating parameters of energy, footprint, quality , labor, ease of maintenance and robustness of system.

Based on our hands-on field knowledge base, we fulfill needs and aspirations of the market place by identifying the gaps.

Design encompasses various flow sheet options, prepare cost-benefit analysis  and conduct decision analysis for the requirement.

Maximize value by creating awareness of options available, enabling clients to deside.

In piloting technological robustness is checked, bugs are removed before it is tweaked to scale.

Experience includes design for new facilities or incorporate new technologies as add-ons for upgrading existing facilities.


Specifications, cost estimates for equipment, instrumentation, controls, mechanical, electrical and civil design requirements.


Applications Based Research

Based on our hands-on field knowledge base, which fills in the gaps, needs and aspirations of the marketplace.

Blend of Design & Function

Maximize value by creating awareness of Options and enabling clients to choose.

Piloting the Integrated System

In piloting, its technological robustness is checked, bugs are removed, before it is tweaked for the larger system.

Fresh Canvas or Refurbishments

Experience includes design for new facilities or incorporate new technologies as add-ons for upgrading existing facilities.

Detailed Design Engineering

Specifications, cost estimates for equipment, instrumentation, controls, mechanical and electrical, along with all civil design requirements.

Advanced technologies are adopted in refurbishing existing systems and creation of new infrastructure. Class technologies suiting the requirements are adopted.

Key is quality standards of appropriate levels keeping in mind scope for upgradation as standards evolve.

Answers which flow from the technological front should be robust to specifically designed solutions in worse case scenarios.

Desired deliverables should be easy to maintain.

Challenges of collecting all resources to a single point is becoming very difficult.

Comparisons of Capex, Replacement costs and Opex (energy, labor & monitoring infrastructure) are made. Then a decision is taken as to what technology to adopt, subject to availability of foot print.

As the benefit is for the stake holders, they are involved from the inception before the design scheme is proposed for implementation.