Waste Water Treatment Solutions
Community modular systems
The Need:
Sceptic tanks overflow contains nitrate and phosphates and contaminates the ground water, with disastrous health effects.
Smaller communities require a solution as piping individual homes to a common waste water system is expensive.
In certain workers colony, which are temporary, as soon as the construction work is over, the need for waste treatment shifts to the next site.
The Benefits:
- Sanitation issues are handled and it is good for health.
- Ground water does not get contaminated.
- Pooling of resources as it is a community initiative and community initiatives succeed due to the emotive factor.
- Recycling of water ensures that water is conserved and this is a sustainable proposition.
- Shifting of the equipment to various sites according to requirements.
The Design Challenge:
The system should be mobile, modular, compact and automated.
The technology adopted can be user specific and the system should be able to be maintained easily. Technologies used can be MBBR /MBR /ASBR.
It could be mounted on a trailer and then moved from various settlements and treated centrally whereby the truck moves bi-weekly and pumps the sewage to the trailer.
The location should be so decided that treated waste water is close to the end usage like irrigation or for toilet flushing.

Amanzi Water Pte South Africa
Location : Pretoria , South Africa
Technology : MBBR
Capacity : 35 KLD
Type : Community Development

Total Environment, Windmills of Your Mind
Location : Whitefield, Bangalore, India
Technology : MBBR
Capacity : 35 KLD
Vertical : Residential Villas

The Little Earth Group
Location : Ooty, Nilgiris , Tamil Nadu, India
Technology : MBBR
Capacity :35 KLD
Type : Resort

Tata Steel
Location : Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India
Technology : MBR
Capacity :35 KLD
Type : Manufacturers of Steel

Sri Ramana Ashram
Location : Chennai, India
Technology : MBR
Capacity :35 KLD
Type : Manufacturers of Steel

Location : Tanazania
Technology : MBBR
Capacity : 10 KLD
Vertical : Laboratory testing services
Offshore Technological Outsourcing Systems
The Need:
Knowledge Process Out sourcing(KPO) is a global necessity and based on the Theory of Competitive Advantage , sourcing of products and services move to areas where there are local advantages.
Key for international outsourcing in the environment sector lies in the ability to understand customized requirements and provide support.
Support begins with understanding the needs and gathering data by developing a suitable questionnaire, preparing the proposal and finding solutions, assisting in erection and commissioning using virtual technological tools and troubleshooting – All done Off shore.
The Design Challenge:
Different markets require different skill sets, especially to what is required.
Different markets have challenges to move materials, get spares, install and more importantly maintain.
We have skill sets to design for a wide basket of technologies like RBC, MBBR, SBR, MBR…. Similarly, components required vary according to the suitability and weather conditions.
Automation is the key, with remote monitoring via IOT to ensure that all the parameters are constantly within the range.
Off -site trouble shooting helps as the whole objective is to partner local players with our expertise and this assists them in doing more projects in the environmental space.
The Benefits:
- Cuts down on travel and technical costs.
- Faster response and lower down time.
- Multiplies the number of projects that local companies can do.
- Benefits of knowledge house passed on as various options provided.
- Opens up markets for refurbishments.

Audax Ocean V Hotel, Mauritius
Location : Pereybere, Grand Baie, Mauritius
Technology : MBBR
Capacity : 40 KLD
Type : 4 Star hotel

Audax Zilwa Attitude, Mauritius
Location : Royal Road, Calodyne 742CU001, Mauritius
Technology : MBBR
Capacity : 130 KLD
Type : 4 Star hotel

Dreams of Zanzibar
Location : Tanzania
Technology : MBBR
Capacity : 150 KLD
Type : 5 Star hotel

Amanzi Water Pte, South Africa
Location: Pretoria , South Africa
Technology: MBBR
Capacity: 35 KLD
Type: Community development -Pretoria
Health care
Health care requires various waste water effluent streams to be treated. Streams which require separate treatment are a) waste from labs/theatre, b) laundry waste is, c) kitchen waste and d) waste from the toilets/baths.
The Design:
Laundry waste is neutralized for Ph; waste from labs/theatres are disinfected before aeration; kitchen waste is segregated of its food waste and segregated of oil & water and waste from toilets/bathing are all treated via common aeration.
Technologies for biological and separation is based on what is required by the end client. Technologies of MBBR, MBR, SBR are adopted according to the needs of the market.
Settling systems wherever appropriate are followed
For tertiary treatment, advanced self-cleaning filtration systems or ultra-filtration systems are adopted.
Traditional disinfectant systems like dozing chlorine or chlorine dioxide or advanced dozing systems of copper silver ionization is followed.

AIMS (MBBR -self-cleaning)
Location: Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Mandya District, Karnataka
Technology: MBBR
Capacity: 750 KLD
Type: Hospital and medical educational institution

Columbia Asia Hospitals Ltd
Location: Whitefield, Bangalore
Technology: Advanced Micro Organism
Capacity: 140 KLD
Type: General Hospital

MRR Nature Cure Hospitals
Location: Solur, Whitefield, Bangalore
Technology: MBBR
Capacity: 150 KLD
Type: Indian traditional ayurvedic hospital

Khubchandani Gleneagles Hospital Ltd.
Location: Andheri West, Mumbai
Technology: MBR
Capacity: 500 KLD
Type: General Hospital

Prakriya Hospital
Location: Nagasandra, Bangalore
Technology: MBR
Capacity: 170 KLD
Type: Multi Speciality Hospital

KIMS Hospital (SBR)
Location: Bangalore
Technology: SBR
Capacity: 300 KLD
Type: Medical school and multi-speciality hospital
Communities & Townships
The Need:
Communities and townships base their treatment on aggregation of waste water from various generating units, be it households or commercial units or community centres. New townships and communities have the issue of being unable to plan precisely as to the time of occupation of these units as the waste generated build up when the units of the community are inhabitated. These are gated properties or lay outs.
The Benefits:
- Staggered capex outflows
- Low maintenance costs even at low loads
- Technology suitability to low turndown ratios.
- Modular add on bring in flexibility
- Challenges of biological treatment handles effectively
The Design Challenge:
The biggest challenge is in our ability to be able to have a system functioning considering that the system has a staggered inflow as it depends upon 2 factors, staggered construction as well as staggered occupation of the construction.
Besides, another challenge lies in being able to keep the plant running well on the biological front when the loads are low. The way forward is to use an appropriate technology to handle low loads and a turn down ratio to suit the needs of the community.
Enzymes can be added to handle low biological loads in traditional systems. A modular approach can be used for capacity ramp ups.
Power and maintenance costs are critical and when the loads are low and the systems which work on low loads are MBBR /SBR.
If the occupancy is good straight away, one can look into a MBR system.

Total Environmetn – Rain drops
Location : Sarjapur Road ,Bangalore
Technology : Extended Aeration – UF
Capacity : 150 KLD
Type : Community development of 150 Dwelling units in a residential community

Horanadu Temple
Location : Chickmagaluru,Karnataka
Technology : MBBR- UF
Capacity : 1000 KLD
Type : Hindu community place of worship, peak of a million devotees

Total Environment-Windmills of Your Mind
Location : Whitefield, Bangalore
Technology : Advanced Filtration and Softener
Capacity : 500 KLD
Type : 500 families community residential

Brigade Metropolis
Location : Mahadevapura ,Bangalore
Technology : Extended Aeration – UF
Capacity : 1200 KLD
Type : Community development of 1500 Dwelling units in a residential community

ITC Corporate Office
Location: AJC Bose Road, Kolkata
Technology: MBR
Capacity : 40 KLD
Type: Community development of 60 dwelling units -high end residential building.

Godrej Platinum
Location: Hebbal, Bangalore
Technology: MBBR-UF
Capacity : 150 KLD
Type: Community development of 200 dwelling units -high end Residential Building

Nandi Infrastructure Corridor Enterprises Ltd
Location: Tumkur, Karnataka
Technology: MBBR
Capacity: 600 KLD
Type: Community development of 1200 residential layout.

Sobha Astar
Location: Banerghatta , Bangalore
Technology: MBR
Capacity: 35 KLD
Type: Community development of 50 dwelling units high rise residential buildings.

Garden City
Location: Hebbal, Bangalore
Technology: ASBR
Capacity: 120 KLD
Type: Community development of 200 dwelling units high rise residential buildings.

Peninzula Heights
Location: JP Nagar, Bangalore
Technology: MBBR
Capacity: 130 KLD
Type: Community development of 120 dwelling units high rise residential buildings.

ITC Residential Flats
Location: Velachery, Chennai
Technology: Extended Areation -UF
Capacity: 30 KLD
Type: Community development of 30 dwelling units high rise residential buildings.

Sundara Residences, ITC
Location: Cart track road, Velachery, Chennai
Technology: MBBR -UF
Capacity: 30 KLD
Type: Community development of 20 dwelling units high rise residential buildings.
Technology Centres & Educational Institutions
The Need:
The waste water load from Educational institutions, commercial offices and technological centres typically run-on week days and there is no load on the weekends. This sudden deflation of the input to the waste water system results in difficulty to sustain the biological activity.
There is a need to reuse, recycle and avoid fresh water, especially for toilets and for greenery. The best way to conserve fresh water is to reuse waster.
Centralized kitchen will be a challenge as there will be peak production of oils and water needs to be segregated from the same.
The Benefits:
- Wide range of technologies can cater to it,
- Expertise in handling kitchen loads, a critical input for waste water design,
- Design handles low loads from toilets and high loads from kitchen,
- Treated water is kept fresh in the weekends by recycling,
- Advanced disinfectant for longer residual life,
- Water used back in cooling towers.
The Design:
Peak loads can be handled by ensuring there is adequate buffer capacity in the collection tanks as cooking and use of cafeteria/food courts will be on a batch process .
As there is no water for bathing and with high kitchen loads, the BOD/CODS will be high as there is no organic loading.
Food separation, oil and grease removal is critical. Besides, we need to design retention times well for biological load handling.
All technologies can be used and, in the process, we require to be able to have good turn down ratios for the low loads for the weekends.

Total environment Office Building
Location: Whitefield, Bangalore
Technology: RBC
Capacity: 35 KLD
Type: Technology office centre

Location: Marthahalli, Bangalore
Technology: MBBR -UF-RO
Capacity: 240 KLD
Type: Technology office centre

Manyata Tech Park
Location: Nagwara, Bangalore
Technology: Waste water tanks, UF, Oil and grease traps
Capacity: Combined more than 2 MLD
Type: Technology office centre

Green grid IT Centre
Location: Taramani, Chennai
Technology: MBBR Waste water
Capacity: 500 KLD
Type: Technology office centre

Location: Peenya, Bangalore
Technology: MBR Waste water
Capacity: 50 KLD
Type: R& D centre

Location: Hyderabad, Telengana
Technology: MBR Waste water
Capacity: 450 KLD
Type: Technology Centre

BMS College of Engineering
Location: Basavangudi, Banglaore
Technology: MBR Waste water
Capacity: 350 KLD
Type: Technology Centre

ITC - Mixed used development, Rajarhat
Location: Rajarhat, Kolkata
Technology: MBBR-UF Waste water
Capacity: 860 KLD
Type: Technology Centre
Factories/Warehouses/Industrial centres
The Need:
Factories have a combination of effluents as well as domestic sewage to treat. Industrial waste oil finds its way too into the waste water treatment plant.
Industrial training centres /ware houses need the requirements to treat the waste generated from the warehouse and logistics team. In a warehouse set up, the activity is 24 x 7, 365 days and requires a steady flow to be treated round the clock.
There would be centralized kitchens too and that would need an appropriate treatment system of food segregation, water and oil removal.
Waste water has to be reused as per their ISO ratings as Recycle, Reduce and Reuse is the mantra for such systems.
Waste water will be reused for toilet flush and the rest for greeneries.
The Design:
The design of the system has to ensure adequate buffer of retention time.
Careful removal of food and segregation of oil and water from the kitchen should be handled.
Systems adopted can be MBBR/MBR/SBR /Extended Aeration as we are looking at optimum loads throughout the week for the logistics business.
The organic loads will be high as dilution is negligible because of lack of bathing water and high load from the kitchen.
Depending upon reuse for toilets or for greenery, the tertiary treatment can be decided of a dual media filtration or ultra-filtration.
The Benefits:
- Customised to client’s requirements of technology as expertise in different technologies,
- Long life non corrosive disinfectant,
- Ensure low operational expenses and good pay back,
- Automation to ensure equipment’s work well over the life cycle costs,
- Designed for high organic loads.

ITC Warehouse - Medak
Location: Medak, Telengana
Technology: MBBR
Capacity: 15 KLD
Type: Warehouse

InstaKart Services Private Limited
Location: Haringhata, West Bengal
Technology: SBR
Capacity: 420 KLD
Type: Warehouse

ITC- Sriperumbudur
Location: Sriperumbudur, Chennai
Technology: Extended Areation
Capacity: 18 KLD
Type: Office & Logistics.

ITC Ltd (Guntur) - factories
Location: Guntur
Technology: OGT
Capacity: 200 KLD

Mersen Ltd
Location: Bangalore
Technology: MBBR -UF
Capacity: 50 KLD
Type: Factory.

Avtec Ltd
Location: Hosur, Chennai
Technology: MBBR -UF CFABR
Capacity: 25 KLD

Tata Steel Ltd
Location: Jamshedpur
Technology: MBBR -MBR (Modular STP)
Capacity: 25 KLD
Type: Factory

Kirloskar Toyoda Ltd
Location: Bangalore
Technology: Extended aeration
Capacity: 150 KLD
Type: Factory
The Need:
Government systems operate typically for a 5 day week and will have no loads on weekends. It is important to handle loads when it is low on the weekends. There is a need to be able to be able to keep wastewater fresh in the treated water tanks as it is not used.
The Benefits:
- Wide range of technologies can cater to it,
- Expertise in handling kitchen loads, a critical input for waste water design,
- Design handles low loads from toilets and high loads from kitchen,
- Treated water is kept fresh in the weekends by recycling,
- Advanced disinfectant for longer residual life,
- Water used back in cooling towers.
The Design:
Peak loads can be handled by ensuring there is adequate buffer capacity in the collection tanks as cooking and use of cafeteria/food courts will be on a batch process.
As there is no water for bathing and with high kitchen loads, the BOD/CODS will be high as there is no organic loading.
Food separation, oil and grease removal is critical. Besides, we need to design retention times well for biological load handling.
All technologies can be used and, in the process, we require to be able to have good turn down ratios for the low loads for the weekends.
As water unused on weekends become stale, it is important that we are able to recycle the water to ensure that treated water is within the norms.

Rail Wheel Factory
Location: Rail wheel factory, Yelahanka, Bangalore -A government of India Undertaking
Technology: Advanced Microorganism- self-cleaning filtration
Capacity: 150 KLD
Type: Manufacturer and exporter of rail wheels for coaches and wagons.

Location: Mysore
Technology: MBR
Capacity: 300 KLD
Type: Atomic Energy Research Institute -A government of India Undertaking.

Power grid
Location: Rajankunte, Bangalore
Technology: Extended aeration
Capacity: 70 KLD
Type: India`s largest electric power transmission utility.
For Hospitality / Breweries
The Need:
Hospitality industry has an occupation where rooms are occupied for almost all the days, whilst peak loads for the restaurants are on the weekends.
By and large, the system will have a combination of peak flows during meal times, whilst extra peaking on weekends
The Benefits:
- Staggered capex outflows,
- Low maintenance costs even at low loads,
- Technology suitability to low turndown ratios,
- Modular add on bring in flexibility,Challenges of biological treatment handles effectively,
The Design Advantage:
The biggest challenge is in our ability to be able to have a system functioning considering that the system has a staggered inflow as it depends upon 2 factors, handling peak flows on the weekends as well as huge kitchen loads.
Power and maintenance costs are critical and when the systems run on full throttle.
All systems will be applicable like SBR, MBBR & MBR.

Dan Hotels Ltd
Location: Whitefield
Technology: Extended Aeration-Ultra filtration
Capacity: 300 KLD
Type: International hospitality chain.

Windmills Craftworks
Location: Whitefield, Bangalore
Technology: MBBR-MBR
Capacity: 35 KLD
Type: Brewery, pub and restaurant

Grande Luxe Hotels, Madurai (with Aitkens Spence)
Location: Madurai
Technology: Extended Aeration
Capacity: 50 KLD
Type: Hospitality

Hyatt Regency
Location: Delhi
Technology: MBR
Capacity: 300 KLD
Type: Hospitality